Sunday, December 27, 2015

My Roots.

Why do I blog? Honestly, I dont have a really good reason other than writing helps me think. There are a ton of thoughts, ideas, random blurb doing on in my head at almost all times of the day. Especially when I lay down to go to sleep at night! 

I just read a great post by Elaine Mingus....(here) And it inspired me. I dont think this whole blogging thing will go anywhere, and thats okay. If nobody reads this....thats okay. This really is just a way for me to get all my thoughts down....maybe free up some space in my head for new things. 

I used to be named Hailea Stewart. However, on November 29, 2014, I made a vow to man and became Hailea Regier. 

Just like anyone else, I have a past. A long history of pain, hurt, sadness, and anger. I still carry some of that with me today, but God continues to work with me through that. Depsite all of that, I know that my parents truly did everything they knew, and to the best of their ability. I cant hold it against them, although I want to....A LOT. Especially my father. I love both of my parents. I love my brother, even though we don't talk often. I love my grandmother who is about to be 74 and quickly losing mobility in her legs. I love my aunt, who has been a great support for me. I love my cousin who is currently at a half way house in Dallas after serving 6 months in a lockdown rehabilitation center and a recovering from a meth addiction. I also love my other cousin who I talk with just about every day on the phone, who provides girl conversations, laughter, and friendship from afar.  I love them all. 

I've been searching and I'm still searching. I just want more out of life. Jesus saved me back in '08, as a emotional, attitude filled teenager. He loved me then and He loves me now. I didn't grow up in a Christian home. I was first introduced to Jesus and the Church around age 7 or 8. We had some friends that went to church and I would go with them, The Sperry family. I went to church almost every Sunday and Wednesday. Thats when Jesus first instill his love for him, I know it. When we moved away at age 9, I didnt go to church anymore because I didnt really know anyone that did. I continued to read my Bible periodically, though. I went through life...doing the typical teenage things I suppose. To make a long, difficult story parents got a divorce when I was 11. Both remarried at didnt stages, I went between both of them severl times beginning in 10th grade and ending in 12th grade. Half way through my 11th grade year, I asked Jesus into my life and publically professed that He is Lord and Savior. 

I went through 4.5 years of college and ended up graudating in Dec '13 with a Bachelors Degree in Family and Community Services. Since then, I have worked as a Care Coordianting, coordianting mental health/physical health for children and their families. The last TWO years of my life have been the most difficult. I have battled and continue to battle depression and anxiety. Feelings of inadequacy. Spreading myself thing. Bitterness. Anger. Tears. Brokenness. 

I want more out of life though. I dont want material things. I dont want money (although who wouldnt?!!?) I want more interally. I want to be more like Jesus. I want to see and be who He says that I am. I want to do whatever Jesus calls me to do.
Whats standing in the way? 

Jesus, you are breaking me. Help me to open my eyes and see through your lens.

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